Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Calling on ALL Airlines with lanes to Brazil.....

I got a call the other day from a buddy of mine with whom I've traveled to Brazil with before.

He goes,

"The fares are so expensive!!!  And I don't have any more miles I can use.  How can we go to Brazil this year with the dollar being so low and the fares being so high?" 
I go,

"Well, if the fares don't go down before we go there in June, I am not going.  I would sacrifice my traditional yearly visit to Brazil just because they are overcharging on the fares!!  When I first visited Rio, the fare was $550.00 USD.  Now, they charge up to the ridiculous amount of $1,750.00???  Who are they kidding?!"

I have been so spoiled since my first trip to Brazil in 2007.  I have gone to Brazil every year since then.  But, then again.. how can I?  Can you take a look at these guys?  Would you pay a high fare to go to Brazil?

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